Hansa Creation Puppets

Hansa - Cheetah Puppet 32cm

Hansa - Cheetah Puppet 32cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Cockatoo Puppet 43cm

Hansa - Cockatoo Puppet 43cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Elephant Puppet 24cm

Hansa - Elephant Puppet 24cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Emu Puppet 33cm

Hansa - Emu Puppet 33cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Ginger Cat Puppet 30cm

Hansa - Ginger Cat Puppet 30cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Green Turtle Puppet

Hansa - Green Turtle Puppet

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Grey Cat Puppet 30cm

Hansa - Grey Cat Puppet 30cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Kangaroo and Joey Puppet 29cm

Hansa - Kangaroo and Joey Puppet 29cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Lion Puppet 28cm

Hansa - Lion Puppet 28cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Owl Puppet 34cm

Hansa - Owl Puppet 34cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Pig Puppet 25cm

Hansa - Pig Puppet 25cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Quokka Puppet 33cm

Hansa - Quokka Puppet 33cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Stegosaurus Puppet 40cm

Hansa - Stegosaurus Puppet 40cm

$64.95 $50.99

Hansa - Tyrannosaurus Rex Puppet 50cm

Hansa - Tyrannosaurus Rex Puppet 50cm

$64.95 $50.99

Hansa - White Bunny Puppet 34cm

Hansa - White Bunny Puppet 34cm

$64.95 $54.99

Hansa - Wombat Puppet 23cm

Hansa - Wombat Puppet 23cm

$64.95 $54.99

Get your imagination flowing with Hansa Creation. Hansa Creation puppets are a great way for kids to tell stories, inspiring creative play no matter the age. From cats and dogs to hippos and other wild animals, there is something for everyone to play and fall in love with. Hansa Creation puppets are beautifully crafted and high quality, lasting over many years of playtime. Shop our range today for the best prices on this beloved brand.